30 VI - 9 VII 2017

Jacek Ryń

designer of RE:MAIN exhibition

Graduate of Design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk where he currently works as an assistant. During his studies he was a scholarship student at the Design Academy Eindhoven. In 2007 he held an internship at Droog in Amsterdam. Since 2008, together with Paulina Ryń he co-creates the Grupa Projektowa Razy2. For 2.5 years he was a designer at Terma. He designs everyday objects, furniture, lighting, elements of public space, as well as rehabilitation equipment. He is the author of many implemented products, including the PLC radiator which won "Dobry Wzór 2014" in home category and "Must Have 2015", he also participated in the creation of the Pictor unit for rehabilitation, which won a honorable mention in Polski Produkt Przyszłości (Polish Product of the Future) awarded by PARP. He was a member of the Programme Council of Gdynia Design Days 2015 and 2016. He is a member of the Scientific Council of the Pomeranian Science and Technology Park Gdynia as well as a jury member of the international “make me!” competition.


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